Religion in Political Campaigns in Southern Arizona: An Expert's Perspective

The religious right is a political movement that has been a major force in the United States since the 1970s. It promotes social and political conservatism, and its impact has been felt in many political campaigns, particularly in southern Arizona. In this region, it is essential to consider the role of religion in political campaigns. In the 1970s, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, both Virginia Baptist ministers, returned to the political arena and helped to revive the religious right. They highlighted adult baptism as a sign of faith in Christ, and their efforts have been echoed by other prominent figures such as James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family. However, there is a point where the focus on religion in a political campaign can be inappropriate and even disturbing.

This goes against the American ideal of including all citizens in the political process, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof. Candidates for public office should abide by principles of decency, honesty, and fair play to honor America's oldest and most fundamental values. John McCain, a former prisoner of war who finds strength and purpose in Judeo-Christian ideals, has been attending a Southern Baptist megachurch in Arizona for years. He has said that his wife and two of their seven children have been baptized, but he has not. Scott Walker, a Republican presidential candidate, has spent a lot of time campaigning in Iowa to win over evangelical voters there. James Dobson has waged an especially vigorous campaign against same-sex marriage. It is important to consider the role of religion in political campaigns in southern Arizona.

While it can be beneficial to draw on religious values for strength and purpose, it is also important to remember that America is a religiously diverse nation and that all citizens should be included in the political process regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.